anyone can get a false arrest for marijuana dui

Field Test 4 DUI – Stress Positions

Field Tests For Pot DWI/DUI -Stress Positions

What do stress positions have to do with driving impairment? They are based on a false assumption that cannabis effects your brain the same way alcohol does.

However, with alcohol, by the time you start to show signs of loss of balance or stumbling, it has damaged about 1/4 to 1/3 of the cerebellar brain cells. The alcohol dissolves the insulation between axioms and neuro-pathway lines get crossed causing motor symptoms. Cannabis does not damage brain cells, it can act as a strong muscle relaxant. That can cause stumbling but not loss of balance.

Brain damage caused by alcohol and not pot
Brain damage caused by alcohol and not pot. So balance tests using stress positions is false science invented as a cop cover story.

Manufacturing Evidence With Stress Positions

Fake pot DUI field sobriety  tests are un-Constitutional because they allow police to force you to help them manufacture false evidence against yourself. Use of stress positions is also an internationally recognized form of torture. Is the problem of pot-impaired driving so serious that it’s OK to resort to torture to combat it?

If you have health problems that interfere with your test the cop has the authority to assume you’re a DUI. Or force you to let him conduct Court on the side of the road while you anxiously talk in your own defense. Against a cop/prosecutor aiming to trick you into saying anything that can be interpreted as admissions of guilt! Got a condition or medication that causes shakes or tremors during the stop and all of a sudden it’s “What are you all nervous about!?”

Other Problems With These Field Sobriety Tests

These field tests and procedures are merely copied from statutes long before marijuana was legalized for medical and then recreational use. So they test for the simple presence of substance at the earliest stage possible. These standards completely defy the will of the people when employed in the now legalized States.

Imagine if when alcohol prohibition was lifted people were only able to drink at home because they couldn’t be allowed to be seen with, to drink or drive under any level of moderation? It would, in effect, put that whole class of people under house arrest! So why the double standard on marijuana legalization and driving? The allowable ng/ml blood levels for pot and alcohol do not match their respective impairment levels.

Another problem is the intimidation tactics that are used. The test can be conducted in an aggressive and confrontational manner in order to put an obstruction charge on you for asserting your rights. Intimidation, if done between civilians at least, is a felony crime.

I’m convinced that there is a final catch-all test they use when all the other tests have been passed, (with no knowledge of that to you.) It is the most devious. They assume that you are drugged if you are in a state of nervousness, agitation. So everything they do during the field test procedure has an extra design to generate distrust anxiety and fear. This test and the eye test are the 2 which don’t come with instruction or demonstration.

It builds to a peak of anticipation as to if you passed or going to jail. Then they try to take your pulse. They have some absurd notion that pot smokers have high blood pressure. The fact is there may be an increase in heart rate initially if inhaling, not eating, cannabis you are not accustomed to, as far as potency or to an uninitiated smoker. That is not the case with normal use, but they always expect they can get it to increase from agitation and anxiety.

Why all the secrecy? If you have seen or had an alcohol field sobriety test you would know that the officers involved have no qualms about telling the suspect if they pass or fail and offer corrections if the instructions are misunderstood. Not so with a pot field sobriety test, just the officer in charge and a second silent observer.

Maybe they do that just to generate anxiety. Maybe they have a need to not say you passed any part of the testing while their microphones are recording. Hoping that you will admit guilt and that they are getting desperate as their procedure breaks down on contact with the real world. Where yes and no aren’t the only possible answers to the programmed questions. Demand transparency or stop complying with a fake pot DUI. They may have the power to force a blood test but don’t refuse. It may at least preserve some evidence for your legal defense.

Make Sure You

  • Be sure that the officer demonstrates every physical test, on dash-cam, and to your full understanding of what’s required.
  • Have your happen test on dash-cam.
  • Insist on level and safe ground.
  • Insist on a statement as to if you passed or how you failed before going on.

When they balk ask them if they think they are the Secret Police.
Not if you woke up in the United States of America!