How Pot Shops Can Help Keep Us Safer On The Road is not just about helping people in our cannabis community who have been harmed by a false arrest for pot DUI (pretty much any pot DUI case) but there is also the element of the national information campaign on the subject. We know it is only hazardous to drive after smoking when you encounter the police. That is why this website has the series of posts entitled “Rules Of Engagement:…” Learn from them the dirty tricks and other unfair aspects of the entire concept that cannabis could ever impair you the way alcohol does. On top of that is the cop’s favorite re-illegalization loophole that they lobbied furiously for, the per se intoxication accusation. Michigan’s per se intoxication standard insists that any driver with a measurable trace of THC or certain metabolites in the blood must be prosecuted as a DUI, Evidence of real impairment is not required. This zero-tolerance policy remains in several legalized states as well as in all the illegal states.
If you own a pot retail outlet, medical or recreational, you can see the effect it would have on your business if your customers get arrested trying to get to their home or lodging. Enough of that and they will be terrified of driving to your store. You can actually get a DUI for pot you smoked the day or two before!
So to help us all out, has prepared a pull tab sheet you can display to your customers. They can rip off a tag and look up the information on their computer. You might want to get these important road survival tips too.
Printable .pdf format file
Just print it out. It works in color or black & white. Then use scissors to cut along the lines between the website tabs so your customers may tear one off and get the free legal advice. These bust-proofing tips could have a real impact if used correctly. Let’s end “house arrest legalization” and keep pushing ahead to true cannabis liberation. Survive to drive another day, and fight back in the courts for our right to drive.
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