No Pot DUI

Where we say No, To Fake Pot DUI’s

A Fake DUI For Pot Is A False Arrest

Stop the alarming trend of arbitrary and fake marijuana DUI field sobriety tests that are putting innocent drivers in jail. I’m talking about what’s happening in the States that have legalized cannabis. This site is for all the falsely accused or to help prevent you from a false accusation by a cop with an ulterior motive. Stop police from forcing you to help themselves manufacture false evidence against you. False evidence that is necessary to force their false arrest for marijuana impaired driving on you. Police are trying too hard to gin up arrest statistics. It is an effort to create the illusion that legalization of cannabis leads to more crimes, like DUI. So in that over-zealous grudge chore, how many of those drivers were arrested without proof of impairment. Because they were never impaired. Then the new legalization crime spree is, in fact, the many false confinements committed by law enforcement.

All the wishful thinking in the world on their part,

doesn’t make you suspicious, let alone guilty, of anything, on your part.

Pot Law on DUI is not aligned with the will of the voters!

We saw how law enforcement behaved during the legislative actions in every one of the States that legalized cannabis or eased up on pot prohibition. They were a bad faith participant in the debate. Marijuana law reform should not put our community under house arrest. There is no compelling state interest to keep zero-tolerance DUI laws on the books. So help us build a class action lawsuit to end this contrary policing of legal marijuana.

Now That The People Won Legalization

The same cops are being bad faith participants in administering the new pot laws. Now they are attacking the liberated cannabis communities with false DWI or DUI arrests and false imprisonment.
They are acting out of personal emotional malice because their bread and butter money-stealing drug policies were rebuffed.

So they don’t want to change their day to day.

Now they misuse the DUI laws to target and kidnap motorists on no more than the say-so of one malicious officer.

It’s vigilante cops preying on highway traffic for fun and profit.
It’s time we stood up!

Break the silence and secrecy!

Demand the right to use the common way without this sort of shenanigans.

Send us your contact and your verifiable false pot DUI arrest testimony. If you can show harm maybe we can build a class action lawsuit to end police misconduct using their arbitrary field sobriety tests. Tests that are based on bigotry, a false association with alcohol induced loss of balance, and word trap games.

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What Is Known About THC Concentrations In Blood?

When cannabis is inhaled, whether smoking or vaping, blood levels of THC spike in about 10 minutes. Upper range levels of 30 to 50, or even, well over100 nanograms per milliliter can be measured. The latter would represent and extreme ingestion, which is considered to make a driver actually impaired. After the peak level, blood THC levels exponentially reduce to single digits in one hour. Frequent pot smokers will be likely to be constantly over the typical legal limit (if 2-5 nanograms per milliliter) at all times. Unless they stop using for at least a week or more. Is the legal limit set by a level shown to impair anyone? How close is 2 nanograms per milliliter to the lowest discernible reading, above the noise floor? Are the limits actually zero tolerance, and not concerned with impairment? These answers will only be found in court!

Cannabis edibles and topicals have a much different effect than inhalation. When you consume cannabis infused edibles, the THC blood levels peak about four hours after. Then they decrease toward zero in about four hours later. Topical use of cannabis oil has little chance of entering the body. Thus poses no risk for blood concentration.

What Blood THC Levels Do They Associate With Driver Impairment?

With alcohol, the higher your blood-alcohol level, the more impaired you are. With marijuana, the correlation between blood-THC and impairment isn’t so simple.

There is some question whether an illegal level of THC in the blood can affect brain function, or cause excessive muscular relaxation, which is considered effecting motor skills enough to impair driving. How long is a driver impaired? What is a true test for what impairment symptoms?

We’re Here, Were High, We’re used To It!

On the other hand, a regular cannabis user may continuously have blood-THC over 5 nanograms per milliliter, yet demonstrate no mental or physical impairment in a field sobriety test. So that is not a sobriety test but a loyalty oath signed with the blood of your blood test. They are applying zero tolerance prohibition standards to a legal substance, in a complete double standard between legal pot and alcohol policies. When we all know that alcohol is a much more impairing drug than pot ever was or could be. Cannabis is safer than alcohol at the low and high extremes of usage.

For most daily medical uses, THC will be stored in body fat and released back into the bloodstream constantly, with little psychoactive effect. This is why Illinois does not hold its medical cannabis cardholders to a blood-test standard, and just requires standardized field sobriety tests. If the tests are at all arbitrary, the patients can get busted anyway -without physical evidence. Even people who don’t partake in cannabis at all can end up in jail for a fake marijuana DUI.

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